It's the Festive Season again and this is the time of year where we all do things a little differently. The year is coming to an end - with all it's challenges and triumphs left behind.
It is time to relax, reflect and share the joy of life with one another.
We all have different ways of spending this special time of year - for some it is staying at home and relaxing, having friends and family over, for others it might be a relaxing time at their holiday home, or just a few days at the beach. Whatever we chose to do, we want it as relaxing and pleasant as possible.
To really make the most of this holiday season we do have to plan ahead to make it is relaxing and enjoyable as possible.
Planning and preparation are ever important to meet our individual circumstances. We want to make the most of our time and ceratinly don't want to over-extend our budgets.
Planning menus ahead will take a lot of pressure of our time and money. Last minute decisions have the nasty habit of being costly, both time-wise and financially. Plan menus that can be prepared in advance as far as possible. Also plan for the unforseen - family or friends might just drop inn and stay for lunch or dinner. Being prepared makes it all the more enjoyable.
By planning and preparing beforehand also gives you more control over the budget. There are many economical dishes that can be prepared in advance, leaving time and money for the all important Christmas meal - be it an elaborate sit-down dinner or a festive family braai.
We all have our own traditions around Christmas. Keep to what you and your family enjoy the most. By planning and preparing ahead you can keep it as simple as possible.
It is time to relax, reflect and share the joy of life with one another.
We all have different ways of spending this special time of year - for some it is staying at home and relaxing, having friends and family over, for others it might be a relaxing time at their holiday home, or just a few days at the beach. Whatever we chose to do, we want it as relaxing and pleasant as possible.
To really make the most of this holiday season we do have to plan ahead to make it is relaxing and enjoyable as possible.
Planning and preparation are ever important to meet our individual circumstances. We want to make the most of our time and ceratinly don't want to over-extend our budgets.
Planning menus ahead will take a lot of pressure of our time and money. Last minute decisions have the nasty habit of being costly, both time-wise and financially. Plan menus that can be prepared in advance as far as possible. Also plan for the unforseen - family or friends might just drop inn and stay for lunch or dinner. Being prepared makes it all the more enjoyable.
By planning and preparing beforehand also gives you more control over the budget. There are many economical dishes that can be prepared in advance, leaving time and money for the all important Christmas meal - be it an elaborate sit-down dinner or a festive family braai.
We all have our own traditions around Christmas. Keep to what you and your family enjoy the most. By planning and preparing ahead you can keep it as simple as possible.

Menu planning: This is probably the most important part of having a stress-free and enjoyable festive season.
Plan for at least one main course for each day plus a few livesavers for unexpected guests. Make sure you go shopping beforehand and have most of the ingredients in your pantry - not having to rush to the supermarket every second day really helps a lot to be more relaxed.
Also prepare a few dishes that freeze well and get them into the freezer. Lasagnas, pasta sauces, chicken pies, curries and bredies (without potatoes) all freeze well.
Plan for at least one main course for each day plus a few livesavers for unexpected guests. Make sure you go shopping beforehand and have most of the ingredients in your pantry - not having to rush to the supermarket every second day really helps a lot to be more relaxed.
Also prepare a few dishes that freeze well and get them into the freezer. Lasagnas, pasta sauces, chicken pies, curries and bredies (without potatoes) all freeze well.
Shopping List: Take time to prepare your shopping list - it will save you a lot of time, frustration and money if you do it thoroughly. It will give you time to incorporate your menu planning, shopping list and budget all in one. Knowing what you will need gives you control over the budget, shopping for it in advance will give you peace of mind.
When shopping stick to the shopping list - if it's not on the list don't buy it - retailers are masters of temptation and can ruin your budget in the blinck of an eye.
Buy in bulk and look out for specials. If they are not on your list try and replace some items with the special offers. Also buy frozen products - they are sometimes even better than the fresh ones. Canned ingredients are also useful to have in store for the unexpected little emergencies. They can often be transformed or incorporated into delicious meals.
With careful planning you should be able to beat the budget, and maybe have a little extra for a special treat. Try to enjoy the planning as much as preparing the meals - and have a relaxed and enjoyable Festive Season!
When shopping stick to the shopping list - if it's not on the list don't buy it - retailers are masters of temptation and can ruin your budget in the blinck of an eye.
Buy in bulk and look out for specials. If they are not on your list try and replace some items with the special offers. Also buy frozen products - they are sometimes even better than the fresh ones. Canned ingredients are also useful to have in store for the unexpected little emergencies. They can often be transformed or incorporated into delicious meals.
With careful planning you should be able to beat the budget, and maybe have a little extra for a special treat. Try to enjoy the planning as much as preparing the meals - and have a relaxed and enjoyable Festive Season!